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Ask a stupid question, get an even more stupid answer

Thu 15. Oct 2015, 11:53

Title says it all. Everyone is supposed to give a stupid answer to a question asked by the previous person. After that you can ask a senseless question yourself.

Let's start with this: Why is this post so short?

Thu 15. Oct 2015, 11:53

Re: Ask a stupid question, get an even more stupid answer

Thu 15. Oct 2015, 12:18

probably cuz you are it's author ^^

does a better tee skin exists than the one from Tan's avatar?

Re: Ask a stupid question, get an even more stupid answer

Thu 15. Oct 2015, 13:03

definatly no. tan's skin is awesome!

Why is there a rainbowsheep in the smilies section? *sheep*

Re: Ask a stupid question, get an even more stupid answer

Thu 15. Oct 2015, 15:51

Because we are open minded towards drugs of whatever kind.

Why is the weather so shitty right now? :<

Re: Ask a stupid question, get an even more stupid answer

Thu 15. Oct 2015, 16:33

Shitstorm incoming I suppose.

Why Sean Pean's name doesn't rhyme?

Re: Ask a stupid question, get an even more stupid answer

Fri 16. Oct 2015, 09:40

cuz unfortunately he isn't french.

imagine u would be a dung beetle for one day. how would you spend your time?

Re: Ask a stupid question, get an even more stupid answer

Fri 16. Oct 2015, 12:14

I would be eaten by an asian guy to give him proteins.

If you don't play any music instrument, why would you not start to practice ?

Re: Ask a stupid question, get an even more stupid answer

Fri 16. Oct 2015, 16:02

Because lazyness is killing creativity since 1915.
Why do people fart from beans?

Re: Ask a stupid question, get an even more stupid answer

Fri 16. Oct 2015, 20:05

beans are forbidden fruits, as punishment for eating them god decided to make the sinners fart.

why blacky's name is blackdevil, although her tee is orange? :O

Re: Ask a stupid question, get an even more stupid answer

Fri 16. Oct 2015, 20:45

she has split personality :B

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