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[Rejected] Application for Mingan

Thu 18. Feb 2016, 00:29

So I got on Discord (#general), and sent a chat message three times, and the sent message didn't appear. Dunno what's up there.

1.Some info about you:
16 (almost 17) male from the USA (Central standard time). My ping is usually 80-110 on EU servers, so I'm apprehensive about applying here. I also have random lag spikes in the nighttime.

2.Your contact data:
On discord the nick is Mingan, but see the above note. Due to who I'm living with currently, voice chat is not an option (but I can listen).

3.Your previous Teeworlds career:
I played TW for about 2 years, on and off, in varying levels of seriousness. Then I took a year or so off, and I want to come back. The reason why I left is because of the lack of non-ctf5 not-ultra-pro CTF games -- fng and ddrace just aren't very fun. I hope to fix that by joining a clan and rising in the CTF ranks. I was in a gCTF clan back in the day -- BeTa -- and it was my favorite gamemode at the time.

4. Maps you like to play often. Do you have a favourite position in CTF2 & 3? Which one? I like ctf3 the best, then ctf7, then ctf1, then ctf2, then ctf5. I hate dm1 -- too crowded for fluid movement (at least for me). I'm best at attacking/flagrunning; but I don't know what position I will like best as I grow in skill. I've only played 4 hours since I came back, and I'm already better (at ctf) than I was when I left.

5. What do you do in your free time besides Teeworlds?
Program computers, bike hundreds of miles, physics, schoolwork, foosball, playing the trumpet.

6. Any special skills besides Teeworlds:
Err..I don't understand the question. Like, in rl or in regards to TW (map editing, etc.)?

7. Write something special.
Something special.

8. Why are you willing to join this clan?
'Cause I want to get better. I came back to TW with hopes for great CTF games, and I'm trying to ease my way into the CTF scene.

P.S. is this a lamb or a cat: *sheep*

Thu 18. Feb 2016, 00:29

Re: Application for Mingan

Thu 18. Feb 2016, 01:38

Hello Mingan and welcome to OtH forum :3
Mingan wrote:So I got on Discord (#general), and sent a chat message three times, and the sent message didn't appear. Dunno what's up there.

Maybe there was a connection problem or something like that: now I can see all the messages you have sent :)

Mingan wrote:1.Some info about you:
16 (almost 17) male from the USA (Central standard time). My ping is usually 80-110 on EU servers, so I'm apprehensive about applying here. I also have random lag spikes in the nighttime.

With such a ping I'm sure you will be able to compete in eu vanilla scene :) It will all depend on you willing to improve and period of the day you are active (I hope you can join our trainings on Saturday 7-8pm GMT+1).

Mingan wrote:2.Your contact data:
On discord the nick is Mingan, but see the above note. Due to who I'm living with currently, voice chat is not an option (but I can listen).

Voice chat is not mandatory, but you're more than welcome to join our chat talk whenever you want ;)

Mingan wrote:4. Maps you like to play often. Do you have a favourite position in CTF2 & 3? Which one? I like ctf3 the best, then ctf7, then ctf1, then ctf2, then ctf5. I hate dm1 -- too crowded for fluid movement (at least for me). I'm best at attacking/flagrunning; but I don't know what position I will like best as I grow in skill. I've only played 4 hours since I came back, and I'm already better (at ctf) than I was when I left.

Uuuh I like your style <3 Can't wait to see you in action!

Mingan wrote:5. What do you do in your free time besides Teeworlds?
Program computers, bike hundreds of miles, physics, schoolwork, foosball, playing the trumpet.

6. Any special skills besides Teeworlds:
Err..I don't understand the question. Like, in rl or in regards to TW (map editing, etc.)?

Oh you play trumpet, sounds interesting :) Also you seem to like physics, so you must be a bit crazy in a certain way :P
Btw yes, 6th question was meant to know about map editing or graphic skills

Mingan wrote:7. Write something special.
Something special.


Mingan wrote:8. Why are you willing to join this clan?
'Cause I want to get better. I came back to TW with hopes for great CTF games, and I'm trying to ease my way into the CTF scene.

Great motivation, we can help you to reach your goal B)

I really liked your application and it's quite evident that you put some effort to answer all the questions, even the dumbest ones. Also you seem to have the right spirit to stay here.
If you haven't done it already, I suggest you to use OtH.a clantag to be easily found in the serverlist while playing.
Good luck and have fun during your application period!

PS: it's a sheep! A rainnow sheep! *sheep*

Re: Application for Mingan

Thu 18. Feb 2016, 02:13

8pm GMT+1 Saturday would be about 5am sunday for me. Sorry, but I won't be able to make it work. 9:30 your time would possibly be my earliest. Your mornings would be my evenings, likewise. We're about 5 or six hours apart, if my hurried calculations are correct.

My ping was more of a problem in gctf, because of the high speeds of tees moving under several rocket jumps and such. High tee speeds multiply the lag several times over.

I know how to use the editor; I made a few fly maps awhile back (you know fly, right? if not you've missed's a dead gametype by now though). Nothing fancy.

When are people usually playing mid-level ctf games that aren't the usual free-for-all ctf5?

By the way, Mingan means wolf in some Native American language that I forget how to spell.

Re: Application for Mingan

Thu 18. Feb 2016, 21:53

Welcome on OtH forum Mingan.

I see that rick already summarize everything, so it remains for me only wish you good luck and have fun during your application period ;)

Re: Application for Mingan

Thu 18. Feb 2016, 22:35

hey first i must say nice aplication i read it and i must laught . ure kind of fun

Re: Application for Mingan

Thu 18. Feb 2016, 22:36

i like it* :'D

Re: Application for Mingan

Fri 19. Feb 2016, 01:17

Mingan wrote:8pm GMT+1 Saturday would be about 5am sunday for me. Sorry, but I won't be able to make it work. 9:30 your time would possibly be my earliest. Your mornings would be my evenings, likewise. We're about 5 or six hours apart, if my hurried calculations are correct.

We'll see what to do about it. A training session at 10 am GMT+1 every Sunday would be a good solution, but I have to discuss it with the members :)

Re: Application for Mingan

Fri 19. Feb 2016, 20:08

Have a nice application time!

Re: Application for Mingan

Fri 19. Feb 2016, 22:21

rick wrote:
Mingan wrote:8pm GMT+1 Saturday would be about 5am sunday for me. Sorry, but I won't be able to make it work. 9:30 your time would possibly be my earliest. Your mornings would be my evenings, likewise. We're about 5 or six hours apart, if my hurried calculations are correct.

We'll see what to do about it. A training session at 10 am GMT+1 every Sunday would be a good solution, but I have to discuss it with the members :)

I'm behind you by 7 hours. I miscalculated when I said 5 or six. (You're in central European time, I'm in central standard time - UTC+1 vs UTC-6) So 8pm would be 1pm my time? I'm confused. If I'm correct, then 8pm can work...depending on the day, because of school/work. Sorry, I'm terrible at time conversions...physicists are usually bad at simple stuff and good at complex stuff. ;)

Edit: Oh, and is there a time when I can meet some of you in-game?

Re: Application for Mingan

Sat 20. Feb 2016, 01:20

lul, I was kinda afk for two day I guess. Normaly I check the Forum everyday even though I write nothing. Good luck have fun during your application period. I can't wait to play more with you!
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