Applications, that already got accepted, rejected or canceled.
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[Accepted] Apply from an old OtH member: Taxor

Wed 20. Jul 2016, 00:01

1.Some info about you:
Name, age, gender, where from etc.

Hey my name is Simon and yeah im already 25 and from Germany. Im a Student in Geoscience and nearly done.

2.Your contact data:

My Contact data in discord is Taxor as well

3.Your previous Teeworlds career:
Your first steps in Teeworlds, previous nicks, mods, maps and clans. Reasons for changing mod and/or leaving your clans.

There is a lot to talk about. Many of your sups, Evil and OtH members already know me. Playing since... uhm .. 6-7 years?! Mods i have played many different one, but in the last time i did some DDrace *pls dont beat me* :B . Previous Clans are of course OtH :D and some else which doesnt matter here. OtH was a bit inactiv and i dont rly know why but we wanted to form a newmade clan called Aurora which never rly opened and yeah soo it was going on

4. Maps you like to play often. Do you have a favourite position in CTF2 & 3? Which one?

Of course all ctf maps and dm1 :D
Ctf2 i was prebase deffer and Ctf3 deffer.. but would like to atk too
5. What do you do in your free time besides Teeworlds?

Soccer, Table tennis

6. Any special skills besides Teeworlds:
Coding, designing, progamming etc.

Noting special here... have a lot of theorie in tactics which i can share :D
7. Write something special.

No weapon - No win
Greatings to all who know me!

8. Why are you willing to join this clan?
People you know, People you played with/against, why do you want to join us etc.

Wont mention here many. I want to bring OtH back where it was.. with training and some recruitement of some new member who are ready to improve themselves. And in the end do some CW, CG , FW, Tournaments and whatever you like.
I have to improve my aiming and movement on ctf3,2 because its long time ago i played some nice Wars!

Soo HF Guys!

Wed 20. Jul 2016, 00:01

Re: Apply from an old OtH member: Taxor

Wed 20. Jul 2016, 22:28

Hey TaXor!
What may I say, you already know how it's going on so just be active here, in game and on Discord also.
Wish you much fun during application period :)

Re: Apply from an old OtH member: Taxor

Thu 21. Jul 2016, 20:35

Hey Taxor, good luck and have fun during your app time

Re: Apply from an old OtH member: Taxor

Fri 22. Jul 2016, 10:07

Hello TaXoR! I'm really glad you decided to apply here and show yourself again in Teeworlds!
Good luck and have fun :)

Re: Apply from an old OtH member: Taxor

Fri 22. Jul 2016, 16:27

Einfach nochmal paar games..
Grund: Online sind ist alles :D

Re: Apply from an old OtH member: Taxor

Fri 22. Jul 2016, 17:46

Taxor wrote:Einfach nochmal paar games..
Grund: Online sind ist alles :D

ich verstehe nicht(

Re: Apply from an old OtH member: Taxor

Fri 22. Jul 2016, 18:11

ahh im dump ... :D
just some pics that show that im online ^^.. the forum is a bit quiet =( thats why i have to post things :D activity is all we need to improve

Re: Apply from an old OtH member: Taxor

Fri 22. Jul 2016, 21:53

Nice to see your application here ^^ gl and have fun :D

Re: Apply from an old OtH member: Taxor

Sat 23. Jul 2016, 08:19

Hey thanks ;)
I hope its ok that i post some games here and in wars... thers nothing done till now and wanna start some action... even im not in OtH right now :P

Re: Apply from an old OtH member: Taxor

Sat 23. Jul 2016, 13:19

Congratulations TaXoR, you made it!
You are now again a member of this glorious clan! An honored one I'd say ;)
You can, now on, set up the official clan tag, visit our intern forum, vote for applicants and stuff.
Welcome on board!
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